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Tips on The Best Way to Clean Your Windows

Tips on The Best Way to Clean Your Windows | Denver Replacement Windows

Even though we may get a couple of upcoming snowstorms, spring will be here before you know it! Actually, in Colorado our snowiest months are typically in March and April, however here at New Windows for America, we are thinking positively and hoping for warmer weather soon!

Spring cleaning actually has a number of health benefits, while at the same time giving your home a deep clean. After the long, cold winter we have had, you too may be inspired to give your house a renewed sense of cleanliness and vibrancy. A clean home can strengthen your immune system, avoid illness, and reduce stress and depression with a decluttered house.

Spring cleaning can start with sparkling clean windows. Although cleaning your windows may look easy, a refresher course on some simple steps on how to clean your windows may be beneficial to you as you contemplate adding this to your spring-cleaning list.

Having clean windows will not only improve your spirits but also allows more light into your home, making you feel more connected to the outdoors and enjoying the longer days that are fast approaching.

Simple Window Cleaning Solution

Yes, there are a lot of commercial window-cleaning products available for that ‘streak-free shine’, however using a simple solution of one-part white vinegar to two parts warm water – is just as effective and works great! Just mix it up in a spray bottle and it’s ready to use! Make sure you double-check the recommended cleaning solution to use with your windows manufacturer.

Cleaning Windows from the Inside

Pro-tip: It’s best to clean your windows on a cool, cloudy day so that the window cleaning solutions don’t dry on your windows. It might be easier to see those streaks on a sunny day, but the sun drying the windows too quickly is also the cause of those streaks.

  1. First, you need to clean off the dirt, dust, and debris. You can brush, sweep, or vacuum the window sash, frames, and sill to ensure a clean area. Fill a bucket with clean, cold water with a couple of drops of liquid dish soap.
  2. Place a large towel by the window for any spills or drops.
  3. Use a clean microfiber cloth starting at the top, and working your way to the bottom. Make sure to wipe down the frame.
  4. Spray the window with either your homemade solution or storebought window cleaner, and dry in a Z-shaped motion using a clean, lint-free towel (some people like to use newspaper or paper towels).
  5. If you aren’t happy with any streaks or stubborn dirt, then spray, and dry again.

Cleaning Windows from the Outside

  1. Typically, the outside of your windows has more dirt and stains so it may take a little more effort to clean. Depending on the window, you may need to first rinse the windows off with a hose.
  2. Fill a bucket with clean, cold water with a couple of drops of liquid dish soap.
  3. Use a clean microfiber cloth starting at the top, and working your way to the bottom. Make sure to wipe down the frame.
  4. Spray the window with either your homemade solution or store-bought window cleaner.
  5. Using a clean, rubber-bladed squeegee, wipe the window dry by angling the squeegee towards the bottom of the window, working from top to bottom. Make sure to wipe the squeegee off with a clean, dry towel after each pass.
  6. Finally, don’t forget about the window screens, and tracks. Screens are easily cleaned with just a rinse with plain water, spray with your solution, and rinse again. Let the screens dry thoroughly before placing them back on your clean windows.

How often should you clean your windows?

It is important to clean your windows, frames, and tracks at least once or twice a year. Depending on where you live, you may need to do this a little more often. Avoiding dirty windows can also help prevent window damage, protect your indoor air quality, and make sure your home’s energy efficiency is maintained and consistent. Having clean windows will make your house look great, is important for good window care and maintenance, and make you feel accomplished. If you aren’t confident in your window cleaning skills, hire a professional window cleaner in your area. We recommend that you hire someone who is insured and bonded, and of course, make sure you read the reviews before you hire them.

New Windows for America offers many window styles and options that are easy to maintain and clean. Offering even windows that offer integrated tilt features that are specifically engineered for easy cleaning. Our team at New Windows for America has the experience, and knowledge to help you choose the most beautiful, energy-efficient windows and doors for your home.

We offer FACTORY-DIRECT PRICING on our windows and doors and are ready to provide you with a FREE In-Home Estimate today!

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