Have you noticed that your windows were leaking cold air into your home this past winter, have visible cracks in the glass, or have problems opening or closing your windows? Your home’s windows are an integral part of your home’s energy performance, comfort level, and overall aesthetics.
When your windows stop working effectively, it’s a good sign that they are nearing the end of their life span and need to be replaced. Most windows have a lifespan of about 15-20 years, which are likely made with single pane glass, or seals start to fail leaving windows open to draft and water seepage.
If you are wondering if your windows need to be replaced, and these top signs start to sound familiar, it is most likely time to call the team at New Windows for America for a free estimate for your window replacement needs.
Are your windows showing visible signs of damage?
A damaged window like broken glass, weak seals, cracks in the frame, and moisture inside the panes can all be highly visible signs that your window needs to be replaced. Damaged windows can leave your home open for more serious problems like drafts, water seepage, and pests, not to mention making your home easier for potential introducers. It is advisable to get damaged windows fixed as soon as possible to avoid expensive repairs, and loss of energy in the home, and to keep your family safe.
Are your windows difficult to open or close?
If your windows aren’t opening or closing properly, it is time for new replacement windows. Windows can get stuck for several different reasons including problems with the roller system, tight springs, or dust built up. Not all windows play well with our Colorado weather, and with the temperature swings that we have here, you want to make sure you select windows that are made for our climate. If your windows don’t open this can pose quite a significant safety risk. If you need to get out of the home, a window can sometimes be your only exit.
Are your windows drafty?
Drafty windows can become a source of irritating air leaks and increase energy bills. Aging windows and doors deteriorate in quality over time and can develop leaks. If you have newer windows that are experiencing air leaks or are drafty, this could be a sign of poor installation, inexperienced installers, or an ill-fitting window. Click here to read more about how to detect drafty windows.
Are your windows letting in too much noise?
Does it seem like you can hear everything that goes on outside of your home? Did you know that windows can offer sound control? Older windows, especially single-pane windows, are lacking in this area. Poor window installation may cause new windows to allow more noise, as well as the type of surrounding material. Materials like vinyl and wood are some of the best options to help minimize the amount of sound that comes through. Windows are supposed to provide acoustic insulation to reduce the amount of external noise you hear in your home. A window’s ability to block sound is measured by its Sound Transmission Class (STC).
If outside noises plague you, you should consider replacing your windows. Ask the team at New Windows for America to go through what options might best be suited for your home. Choosing a window that works for the level of noise pollution near your home can reduce stress and improve your comfort.
Are your energy bills increasing?
If you’ve noticed that your energy bills have increased over the winter, your home might benefit from a simple inspection to check for a lack of insulation, sealants, and caulking. If your home is drafty, it allows the temperature-controlled air inside your home to escape which causes your HVAC systems to work even harder, driving your energy bills up. Consider replacing your windows with new energy-efficient windows, which can help lower your energy bills as they are designed to help prevent air from leaking in or out of your home.
Are you ready for replacement windows in your Denver home?
Trust the team at New Windows for America for quality window installation by our trained and professional window installers. Contact us today and take advantage of our FACTORY-DIRECT PRICING on our windows and doors. We have a 5-star professional and knowledgeable team to help you choose the best windows and doors for your home, style, and budget.